Achieving Clinical Excellence in Psychiatry
Sithuvili samaga rahasak
This book is a therapeutic story about a child with ADHD. It is illustrated colorfully, and in simple language aimed at school age children. It not only helps children understand in simple terms the complex issue that is OCD,
Adolescent parent handbook
This book (in Sinhala) is an important resource for parents to understand adolescent behaviour and to help them respond better to adolescents. This book utilised both a biological and attachment perspective to help parents with simple strategies to negotiate this difficult period.
ADHD parent hand book
This book ( in Sinhala) is an important resource for parents with children both diagnosed and suspected to have ADHD.
It gives a description of the condition in layman’s terms describing environmental modifications at home and at school, together with behavioural strategies that are important in managing this condition.. It also gives important information about medication for parents.
“Common Mental Disorders”
About Author – Dr.W.A.L.Wickramasinghe MB.BS, MD Psych, FSLCPsych.
Former Senior Consultant Psychiatrist,
Nation Hospital, Kandy. From 1994 to 2017.
Having a vast clinical experience over 35 years.
About Book – There is a severe scarcity of books on mental disorders, specially in Sinhala language. This book will hopefully fulfil that requirement to a great extent. This book can be used as a hand book/text book for many categories of Health Care Workers. This knowledge would help to reduce stigma for mental disorders among HCWs and general public. Its’ cover page has a special meaning, which is described in the introduction. After reading this book, those who wish to study more on a particular mental disorder, can refer a detailed resource.
This book has 12 chapters and 211 pages. It describes about 80 com
mon mental disorders in simple Sinhala language. There are 3 different chapters on child neuro-psychology, forensic psychiatry and information for mental patients and their carers.
For Whom This Book is-
1.Docters/Medical Students
2.Nurses/Nursing Students
3.Family Health Workers/Their Students
4.Counsellors/Their Students
5.Those who are in the law field
6.School/Pre-School teachers
7.School children especially G.C.E.A/L
8.Mental Health Service Users
9.Carers of Mental Patients
ISBN NO. – 978 – 955 – 31 – 2498 – 2
Book is available for sale in Sarasavi book shops islandwide.
You and Your Mental Health
Book about child abuse
This book was meant to fill the void in Sri Lankan context regarding assessment of child abuse ,treatment and ethical management of the affected traumatized children.
This book is a brainchild of consultant psychiatrists and consultant forensic pathologists which is a joint venture for the most needed and most affected children in Sri Lanka.
Book has a comprehensive assessment of childhood abuse addressing various aspects including,how the abuse was undertaken ,in which form it was instigated and how to assist the child without further traumatising. It looks into the psychology of the paedophile as well as long-term consequences of the abuse in a child.
The importance of this book was identified by the child protection authority of Sri Lanka thus the second edition was published by the child protection authority and is available free of charge for the interested individuals, clinicians ,trainees in psychiatry and forensic pathology from the child protection authority.
Two consultant psychiatrist from the College of psychiatrists Co-authored this book
Namely Dr SWARNA Wijethunga and Dr. H. A. Buddhi Jayasekar