The Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists is the successor to the Sri Lanka Psychiatric Association and has been in existence since 2003.
Though relatively young, it is perhaps not coincidental that the vast strides made in mental health services and the changes in public perception related to mental health in Sri Lanka have coincided with the time the College has been in active existence.
Improving mental health services throughout the country with special emphasis on promoting services in the war affected regions, liaising with the Post Graduate Institute of Medicine in conducting the MD Psychiatry examination, conducting the annual academic sessions in psychiatry, publishing the Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry as well as lobbying the government of Sri Lanka to implement a more modern and humane mental health act are but a few of the activities the College is actively involved in at present.
In keeping with our motto “Mens sana nobis prioriatus” the Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists will continue to strive to improve the quality of life of all Sri Lankans.