Poem- Glorified

by slcpsych-user | September 7, 2022

Glorified after death
Sensationalised in dying
Crucified when living
Criminalised in action
Script-juice to cinema
Dramatic pause to theatre
Intellectualised verse in song
Heart-wrenching arpeggios in music
Swirls of grey in art
All because some neurons took a detour
were not pruned right
started secreting less or more
that you and I take for granted
until we don’t.
Let us not re-label disorder
with hope of reducing ill-fame
Let us call a spade a spade and let them live
have access to the panaceas and elixirs that anyone has access to
hone their skills
and live with purpose.
Live and let live
the Van Goghs of the world.
~ Samanthika Abeywickrema