by slcpsych-user | September 6, 2022

Common Mental Disorders”



About Author – Dr.W.A.L.Wickramasinghe  MB.BS, MD Psych, FSLCPsych.
                             Former Senior Consultant Psychiatrist,
                             Nation Hospital, Kandy. From 1994 to 2017.
                             Having a vast clinical experience over 35 years.
About Book – There is a severe scarcity of books on mental disorders, specially in Sinhala language. This book will hopefully fulfil that requirement to a  great extent. This book can be used as a hand book/text book for many categories of Health Care Workers. This knowledge would help to reduce stigma for mental disorders among HCWs and general public. Its’ cover page has a special meaning, which is described in the introduction. After reading this book, those who wish to study more on a particular mental disorder, can refer a detailed resource.
                           This book has 12 chapters and 211 pages. It describes about 80 com
mon mental disorders in simple Sinhala language. There are 3 different chapters on child neuro-psychology, forensic psychiatry and information for mental patients and their carers.
For Whom This Book is-
                             1.Docters/Medical Students
                             2.Nurses/Nursing Students
                             3.Family Health Workers/Their Students
                             4.Counsellors/Their Students
                             5.Those who are in the law field
                             6.School/Pre-School teachers
                             7.School children especially G.C.E.A/L
                              8.Mental Health Service Users
                              9.Carers of Mental Patients
ISBN NO. – 978 – 955 – 31 – 2498 – 2
Book is available for sale in Sarasavi book shops islandwide.  


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